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How to Install WordPress Manually Using Cpanel?

So, you're ready to take control of your WordPress installation and give it that personal touch, huh?

Well, lucky for you, manual installation using cPanel is the way to go. It may sound a bit daunting at first, but once you get the hang of it, you'll have a whole new level of flexibility and customization at your fingertips.

Let's walk through the steps together, and before you know it, you'll be the master of your own WordPress domain.

Accessing Cpanel

To access Cpanel, simply log in to your web hosting account and navigate to the Cpanel section. Once you're logged in, you'll see a plethora of features at your fingertips. From creating email accounts to managing databases, Cpanel offers a wide range of tools to help you manage your website effectively.

When accessing Cpanel, it's essential to ensure the security of your account. Always use a strong, unique password and enable two-factor authentication if your web host provides this feature. This extra layer of security can help prevent unauthorized access to your Cpanel, keeping your website and data safe.

Aside from security, familiarizing yourself with the Cpanel features is crucial. Take the time to explore the different sections and familiarize yourself with the various tools available. You'll find options for file management, domain management, and website statistics, among others. Understanding these features will empower you to make the most of your web hosting experience.

Creating a MySQL Database

When setting up a MySQL database in Cpanel, start by logging into your account and navigating to the 'MySQL Database' section. Here, you can create a new database by simply entering a name and clicking 'Create Database'. After creating the database, you'll need to create a user and assign it to the database. Be sure to use a strong password for the user and link it to the database with full privileges.

Database security measures are essential for protecting your website from potential threats. It's important to regularly update your database software and plugins to prevent vulnerabilities. Additionally, consider implementing measures such as two-factor authentication and restricting access to the database server based on IP addresses.

Troubleshooting database errors may arise from various issues such as incorrect database credentials or corrupted tables. Ensure that you have entered the correct database details in your website's configuration file and consider using tools like phpMyAdmin to repair any corrupt tables.

Uploading WordPress Files

Begin by uploading the WordPress files to your hosting account using the File Manager in cPanel. Once you're logged into your cPanel, navigate to the File Manager and open the public_html directory. This is where your website files are stored. Click on the 'Upload' button in the File Manager and select the WordPress files you downloaded earlier. After the files have finished uploading, return to the File Manager and extract the WordPress files by right-clicking on the zip file and selecting 'Extract'. This will create a folder with all the WordPress files.

Now, let's talk about some important things to keep in mind. When you upload files, it's crucial to ensure that the file permissions are correctly set. For WordPress, folders should typically have a permission setting of 755, and files should be set to 644. This ensures that your website functions properly and is secure.

In case you encounter any issues during the upload or after, such as missing files or errors, don't worry. Troubleshooting is a normal part of the process, and there are many resources available to help you resolve any issues you may encounter.

Once the files are uploaded, you can start customizing your website by exploring themes and plugins to make your WordPress site uniquely yours.

Configuring WordPress Installation

Once you have the WordPress files uploaded and extracted, the next step is configuring the WordPress installation to suit your website's needs.

Let's start with theme customization. After logging into your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the 'Appearance' tab and click on 'Themes'. Here, you can browse through various themes and select the one that best represents your brand. You can also customize the selected theme by clicking on the 'Customize' option. This allows you to modify colors, fonts, and other visual elements to align with your website's aesthetic.

Next, let's talk about plugin installation. Plugins add functionality to your website, and installing them is a breeze. Within the WordPress dashboard, go to 'Plugins' and click on 'Add New'. Here, you can search for specific plugins or explore different categories to find ones that meet your requirements. Once you've found a plugin, click 'Install Now' and then 'Activate' to enable its features on your website.

Finalizing WordPress Setup

Now, as you finalize your WordPress setup, ensure that the selected theme and installed plugins align perfectly with your website's vision and functionality.

Customizing themes is a crucial step in making your website visually appealing and in line with your brand. Navigate to the 'Appearance' section in your WordPress dashboard and select 'Themes.' From here, you can browse through numerous free and premium themes, preview how they'd look on your website, and activate the one that best suits your needs. Many themes also offer customization options, allowing you to tweak colors, fonts, and layouts to match your brand identity.

Managing plugins is another essential aspect of finalizing your WordPress setup. Head over to the 'Plugins' section in your dashboard to add, remove, or update plugins. Plugins extend the functionality of your website, so it's important to choose them wisely. Look for plugins that enhance user experience, improve site security, and optimize performance. Always keep your plugins updated to ensure compatibility and security. Additionally, regularly review your installed plugins to remove any that are no longer necessary or causing conflicts.


Now that you've followed these quick and easy steps, you should have successfully installed WordPress manually using cPanel!

With your MySQL database created and WordPress files uploaded, you're well on your way to creating an awesome website.

Don't forget to finalize the setup and start customizing your site to make it your own.

Good luck and happy blogging!