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How to Delete Old or Unused WordPress Core Files?

You know the saying, 'Out with the old, in with the new'? Well, the same principle applies to your WordPress core files.

Over time, your website's core files can accumulate outdated or unnecessary elements, which may impact its performance.

But fear not, because in this discussion, you'll learn the precise steps to identify and eliminate those old or unused core files, ensuring your WordPress site remains streamlined and efficient.

So, let's dive into the process of decluttering your WordPress core files and optimizing your website's functionality for a seamless user experience.

Identifying Old or Unused Core Files

Do you know how to determine which WordPress core files are old or unused? Identifying these files is crucial for effectively managing your website and keeping it clean and efficient. Unused files can accumulate over time, taking up valuable space and potentially causing security vulnerabilities.

Fortunately, there are several methods you can employ to identify these unnecessary files and streamline your WordPress core.

One way to identify old or unused core files is by using a plugin specifically designed for this purpose. There are various plugins available that can scan your WordPress installation and provide a comprehensive report on which files are no longer in use. These tools can analyze your core files, themes, and plugins, giving you a clear overview of what can be safely removed.

Another approach is to manually review your core files, themes, and plugins to identify any that are no longer necessary. This method requires a bit more time and attention to detail, but it allows you to have a more hands-on approach to cleaning up your WordPress installation.

Backing Up Your WordPress Site

Consider utilizing a reliable backup plugin to safeguard your WordPress site and its valuable data. Website security is crucial, and having a backup in place is an essential aspect of a solid security strategy. A backup ensures that in the event of a cyberattack, server failure, or accidental data loss, you can easily restore your site to its previous state, preventing data loss and minimizing downtime.

Data loss prevention is a critical consideration for any website owner. Regular backups protect your website from the potential devastation of losing valuable content, customer information, or important files. By implementing a backup solution, you can have peace of mind knowing that your website's data is secure and easily recoverable.

There are numerous backup plugins available for WordPress, offering various features such as automatic backups, cloud storage options, and one-click restoration. It's important to select a reputable plugin that aligns with your specific needs and preferences. Regularly scheduled backups, preferably stored in multiple locations, provide an additional layer of protection for your website's data.

Accessing and Reviewing Core Files

To access and review WordPress core files, navigate to the root directory of your WordPress installation using an FTP client or the file manager in your web hosting control panel.

Once you have accessed the core files, it's essential to review the permissions set for each file. Proper file permissions are crucial for security and stability. Ensure that sensitive files have restricted permissions to prevent unauthorized access. Reviewing permissions can help identify any potential security vulnerabilities that may exist due to improper file access.

In addition to permissions, it's important to review the file integrity of WordPress core files. Any unauthorized changes to core files can lead to security vulnerabilities and potential issues with plugin compatibility. By reviewing the file integrity, you can ensure that the core files haven't been tampered with or corrupted. This step is critical for maintaining a secure and stable WordPress installation.

Regularly accessing and reviewing core files is a proactive measure to maintain the security and stability of your WordPress site. It allows you to identify and address any potential issues before they escalate, ultimately contributing to a more reliable and secure website.

Deleting Old or Unused Core Files

When managing your WordPress installation, it's essential to meticulously assess and remove any outdated or unused core files to maintain optimal performance and security. Identifying duplicate files and removing unnecessary plugins can significantly streamline your WordPress site.

Duplicate files can take up valuable storage space and potentially cause confusion or conflicts within your installation. By identifying and removing these duplicates, you can enhance the efficiency and organization of your website.

Similarly, removing unnecessary plugins is crucial for maintaining a lean and secure WordPress installation. Unused plugins not only occupy unnecessary space but also pose security risks if not regularly updated. By conducting regular audits of your installed plugins and removing those that are no longer needed, you can reduce the complexity of your site and minimize potential vulnerabilities.

Regularly reviewing and deleting old or unused core files, duplicate files, and unnecessary plugins is an integral part of WordPress maintenance. By doing so, you can optimize your site's performance, enhance its security, and ensure a smooth and efficient user experience.

Verifying Site Functionality

After ensuring that your WordPress installation is free from outdated or unused core files and unnecessary plugins, the next crucial step is to verify the functionality of your site. This involves checking for any potential issues that may have arisen from the removal of old files and plugins.

Start by testing basic site functions such as navigation, form submissions, and media playback. Ensure that all essential features, like contact forms and e-commerce functionalities, are working as intended.

In addition to functionality, it's also important to verify that your site's security measures and performance optimization haven't been compromised. Run a security scan to check for any vulnerabilities that may have been exposed during the cleanup process. It's equally essential to conduct performance tests to ensure that your site's loading speed and overall performance haven't been negatively impacted.


Now that you've identified and deleted old or unused WordPress core files, your site should be running more efficiently and securely.

Remember to regularly review and clean up your core files to keep your site in top shape.

Don't forget to always back up your site before making any major changes, and be sure to test your site's functionality after deleting any files.

Keep your WordPress site clean and optimized for better performance!